Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful week like we did. It started out with Sister Bowman (my trainer) who went on an exchange with me and gave me tons of advise and good ideas.
On Wednesday we started teaching, a daughter of a recent convert. She is 13 and doesn't really know what she wants and it's hard to gage how interested she is. But she listened and sat in on the lesson, and apparently that's more than she ever did with the Elders!
We finally got in contact with three girls of a less active. Her 3 daughters want to have discussions with us and possibly get baptized. They are just crazy busy and were gone all of last week at the Lake but we caught them at home. The Mom wasn't home but their Dad was so we went outside and taught them on the porch. It went well and we have a return appointment with them on Thursday! Yay! They seem really sweet and interested in finding out for themselves. I know the spirit can speak to them, even if they are young! (12, 10, 9)
We also taught a
woman named Myra who is from the Philipines (Heather :) )and has lived in the US for a year or two. We have a return appointment with her tonight. But the lesson went really well and she was asking us why there are so many churches and how she can know which one is right. She told us she was Catholic, but didn't like how she never got to ask questions and just got "preached to".
We are also teaching a daughter of a Less Active member who is 9 years old and REALLY shy. It's funny, she whispers answers to our questions to her Mom's ears. She wants to get baptized, but is scared of water! We'll work on that :)
Also another less active has grandkids who lives with her who we had a lesson with but it's super hard to catch them at home. But their grandparents do want them to get baptized. The thing is they need to start coming to church! We can't have someone make a covenant with God that they aren't going to be able to keep. So as soon as they start coming to church with their grandkids, they can be baptized :)
Also we have a part member family of our "Super Member" who has given us a lot of referrals. Her husband is not a member and has had the discussions a lot but still loves the church he goes to. BUT he agreed to let us have the discussions with him and his family! We are praying it'll "stick" this time. She has been praying he'll receive the gospel for 9 years now, and has been praying for Sister Missionaries specifically. No pressure....
One lady we're teaching did come to the Saturday night session of Stake Conference. President Craven was actually there speaking. He met her afterwards and told her how much she needs the church in her life and she met Elder Steed (The Zone Leader) and Elder Clawson (The District Leader) and they all met her and bore testimony to her of how important this church is and asked her when she's getting baptized! We're working on it. She did go to her church this Sunday though, we just have to help her see how she needs to stand up for what she feels and come to the right church! Go where God wants her to go, not let her pastor influence her.
On Saturday night the whole adult session was about Members missionary work :) The Stake President talked ALL about helping all these new missionaries and how it is the members responsiblity to find people for the missionaries to teach and called to them to help us! What a blessing. And then all of the missionaries in the Stake (about 15) got up and sang "Called to Serve" in front of everyone! Pretty powerful.
Anyway we had a really great week and made lots of progress! President pulled me aside after Stake Conference on Saturday Night and thanked me for my hard work. Also.. Transfers are this week and we are GETTING A NEW SISTER! Sister Thacker will be the assistant trainer, I will be the trainer of BOTH of them! There are 15 Sisters and only 2 Elders coming out this transfer. Our apartment will be a little squished, but we'll make it work :) We pick her up Tomorrow! It'll be good actually, with 3 Sisters we can teach/ride with men or women. That gives us a lot more opportunities.
Thanks for all of the love and support!
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